Does it get any better? Take’s own editor, Lauren Clark will be among the panelists chatting about beer at Betty’s Beer Fest.
Take Magazine Editor in Chief Lauren Clark | Photo by Shelby Larsson
We’re a mix of a lot of interests and expertise besides creating a new community of all things arts and culture here at Take Magazine. And tomorrow’s panel of expert ladies discussing all things craft brew is just one example. Take’s own editor, Lauren Clark — author of Crafty Bastards: Beer in New England from the Mayflower to Modern Day — will be among the panelists chatting about the art and craft of beermaking at Betty’s Beer Fest. A three-day event, the fest will include the Q&A panel, which also features Chelsea Nolan and Becky Ballard of the Alchemist, Hester Merzi, general manager of Bissell Brothers, Vilija Bizinkauskas of Drop In Brewing, Rachel Cleveland of Fiddlehead Brewing, Gretchen Langfeldt of Switchback Brewing Company, and Haley Campbell from Rising Tide Brewing. The festival also includes a screening of the film The Love of Beer, a tasting — of course — and, appropriately, a Hungover Brunch on Sunday. Get tickets and get tasting!