POW! WOW! WORCESTER in pictures

Photographer Austin Harney hit the streets of Worcester over two days to capture the artists and their work.

Mural by Arlin (Brazil) on the Pallidum
Mural by Arlin (Brazil) on the Pallidum
Mural by Arlin (Brazil) on the Pallidum
Murals by Arlin (Brazil) & Sabek (Spain) on the Pallidum
Mural by Sabek (Spain) on the Pallidum
Sabek at work
Mural by Sabek (Spain) on the Pallidum
Christina Angelina (California) on Federal Plaza
Mural by Marka 27 (Massachusetts) on Federal Plaza
Mural by Marka 27 (Massachusetts) on Federal Plaza
Greg Mike (Georgia) at 26 Portland Street
Mural by Askew One (New Zealand) on the YWCA
Mural by Askew One (New Zealand) on the YWCA
Mural by JALLEN & Sophy Tuttle (Massachusetts) on the YWCA
Jason Eatherly (Texas) at 26 Portland Street
Artist Jason Eatherly
Rustam Qbic (Russia) on the Hanover Theatre
Artist Rustam Qbic
Artist Rustam Qbic
Mural by Tavar Zawacki (ABOVE) (Berlin) on the DCU Center
Morgan Blair (New York) at Mechanics Hall
Street Artist Dan Witz (New York) on Main Street

For more information on POW! WOW! Worcester, visit their website and their Instagram.

All photos by Austin Harney