Results for: real art ways

Painting Portsmouth

StreetCanvas is a service that beautifies Portsmouth and creates jobs for artists as it integrates art into the community.

Home Sweet Home

Abba Cudney explores lived memories through her vibrant visual art creations, on view in a group show in New Hampshire.

Run Away with Me

Circus Maine provides an educational and performance space for contemporary circus artists at Thompson’s Point in Portland.

Pumped in Rhode Island

Dan Collins on how woodworking brought him purpose, love, Shady Lea Guitars, and a supportive community of local creatives.

If You Build It

Artist Ethan Hayes-Chute creates installations that are odes to self-sufficiency, self-preservation and collaboration.

A Libeerating Experience

Joanne Francis of Portsmouth Brewery in New Hampshire creates a new beer for women who don’t give a fuck.

She’s on Fire

Musician Laini Marenick leaves her job as a therapist to record her first LP, Wandering, with Laini and the Wildfire.

Shaka on the Rhythm

Mtali Shaka Banda releases a debut album that is a varied exploration of aging, joy and frustration as a young black man.