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All posts tagged: Connecticut
Objects In-Between
New Haven artist Adam Niklewicz uses everyday objects to create worlds suspended between nostalgia and absurdity.
Rick Reyes’ Love Songs to Puerto Rico
Rick Reyes of Bridgeport, Connecticut, shares love of his native music via his Puerto Rican songbook project.
#TakeAction: Doing the NEA Defunding Math
One plus one is two, except when it’s 45’s Federal budget proposal to eliminate the NEA and the NEH—for starters.
Heading to the Bananaland
The Bananaland in Bridgeport, Connecticut, is taking your business on vacation for a much needed makeover. Tanning optional.
The Insider Outsider
Hartford, Connecticut artist Michael Madore imagines a future of migrating species and global warming, without leaving his home.
From Clay to Catastasis
Hartford artist Matthew Towers chats about the history of porcelain, the mythology of hair, and subverting pottery tradition.
Cinder + Salt
This female-run indie lifestyle shop in Middletown, Connecticut, is creating eco-friendly art using almost zero waste.
Becoming The Gold Dust Orphans
The Gold Dust Orphans are to Provincetown what Steppenwolf is to Chicago, The Groundlings are to LA, and the Comédie-Française is to Paris.
Pulp, Plastic, and Poetry
Sandy Hook performance artist Allison Hornak finds beauty in inertia, reading poetry, and visible vulnerability.