As this year draws to a close, it’s hard to believe that 2016 is going to end up on anyone’s “Best of” list.
Professional and personal challenges aside, I knew my 2016 was bust when Bowie died. As a cultural influencer he was unparalleled; the depth to which his death had an effect on my friends was unlike anything I had experienced from the passing of any other cultural figure in my life.
2016 went on to claim many more amazing creative people. All news was just generally shitty, and the U.S. election left the entire world with a sense of unease, at best, and utter dread, at worst.
What on earth could possibly be “Best of” from a year like this?
When times seem bleak, it seems trite to say something along the lines of “Look! Good stuff happened, too!” But our work at Take is about bringing you the best of the creative communities of New England. When times are trying, it bears remembering that art rejuvenates the mind and the heart.
To that end, we looked back at all the stories we covered this year and are presenting a list comprised of our favorites, our most read, and some stories we think not enough readers had a chance to see. We hope you enjoy giving them a read, perhaps for the first time, maybe for the second or third.
As Take Magazine heads into 2017, we’re going to continue to look for stories about creative people and ideas that shape where we live, and pass them on to you. The year ahead is full of uncertainty; as our creative neighbors continue to make art and culture in response to it, we will be there to both report on, and celebrate, the extraordinary things they do.
Wishing you a very safe and Happy New Year from all of us at Take.
Michael Kusek

Red Color Story Fall/Winter 2017 | Photo courtesy of American Woolen Company

Illustration by Rob Kimmel
It doesn’t matter whether you think I look like I’m from Maine.
New Hampshire

Iron & Air
Rhode Island

Photo by Jewellea Photography | Courtesy of the Wexler Gallery